"The Search For The Missing Amulet"

or: "Here I Am, Stuck In The Middle With You"

a festive pantomiming of the seasonal and herbal parsnip variety
currently in rehearsal, scripts still being edited and scenery not even yet painted. . .
and what about the score!! yikes, I knew I shouldn't have undertaken all this myself:
crikey, people, we need music!!
(and perhaps I need a little help?)

Act Two (an act in one scene)

in which: more members of the cast assemble, stage left, awaiting their appearance, crucial to the thickening of the plot. . .
and in the meantime, onstage, Joe Valentine, PI, about to shoot, is momentarily distracted by the sudden appearance of his moll (recently emerged from the shower in Joe's dressing room) (and now in full costume) who strides womanfully to his side where she places her hands firmly over his. . .
. . .gun - directing it instead at the Marquis' bagpipes. . .
a terrible noise is heard! the audience responds by throwing lemons towards the stage. . .
the chorus girls, led by the Fine French Fancies (it appears we have two!) (or is one a cross dresser in disguise?) dive for cover, frilly knickers fill the air
the Penguin With The Mysterious Case of Amnesia and the Albino Crow dive and fly for cover respectively. . . but the mystery remains, who was Joe intending to shoot? and why?
and where is the missing amulet?
and what will happen to all those lemons?
in the meantime, since he's arrived better late than never (Director: *frowns*), the Lemonade Stand bursts into song (not accompanied by the bag-pipes, now sadly blown to bits; and whilst wiping lemon juice out of his eyes) (he's a very talented Lemonade Stand - you'd expect nothing less from an I,LTV production, now would you)
"Il ne'est joie ne joir n'autre bien qu'on puist sentir
Qui ne me samble languir,
Quant vo douceur adoucir vuet mon amer:
Dont loer et aourer et vous cremier, tout souffrir,
Tout conjoir, Tout endurer
Vueil plus que je ne desir guerredonner
Foy porter"

First Interval

During which: members of the audience are handed lemonsand song sheets (see side bar) are distributed by a hitherto unmentioned member of the cast. . .