"The Search For The Missing Amulet"

or: "Here I Am, Stuck In The Middle With You"

a festive pantomiming of the seasonal and herbal parsnip variety
currently in rehearsal, scripts still being edited and scenery not even yet painted. . .
and what about the score!! yikes, I knew I shouldn't have undertaken all this myself:
crikey, people, we need music!!
(and perhaps I need a little help?)

Finale, Scene One

in which our intrepid and extremely versatile Penguin With The Strange Case of Amnesia is joined by various others for

and, not to be outdone, Joe Valentine, PI casts off his coat for a different kind of mackintosh

his glamorous assistant rushes to join him, has a bit of an issue with her costume. . .
. . .so decides to just strip right off and make the most of the raindrops

but what of our other maiden? and, will The Missing Amulet ever be found? and (*The Audience boos and hisses*) when will the I,LTV 2009 Panto Extravaganza Villain (as yet uncast) ever appear? and, has The Lemonade Stand finally run out of lemons? and, more importantly, will he ever sing again? (brilliant suggestion for his next song here!); and some scenery is still to be built. . .


Dave said...

*dries his glasses*

*Helps pengiun out of sink*

I, Like The View said...

you're such a gent

but then, we all knew that

Mel said...

*brushes off and shakes the PI's hand*


*enters stage left with a hammer*

*tap tap taptaptap*

*happily hammers*

*tap tap taptaptap*

Christopher said...

It's looks more like a swimming pool she's fallen into, Dave. Did she splash your glasses when falling in? Or did you remove them from a gentlemanly sense of propriety?

(Or was it perhaps a sink and Mel had left all those taps running? But she'd say 'faucets', wouldn't she? Maybe she's a secret faucet dancer?)

Please excuse me rambling on, I. I just feel so comfortable here.

I, Like The View said...

I love people rambling, Christopher - it's how relationships are formed

and I'm glad you feel comfortable

comfort is a good thing, and comfy a wonderful thing, comfortable is - well - comfortable!


Mel your tapping and hammering is such fun!

Dave said...

Christopher, if you look at the last interval, I mentioned that the penguin had fallen off the taps.

Dave said...

That pengium just hit a nail.

Unfortunately it was my toe nail.

*limps off to dressing-room. PA takes things in hand*

I, Like The View said...


Dave's getting cheeky (or is it just my imagination?)

Dave said...

I'm sure you don't have that kind of imagination.

Rimshot said...

*hands penguin a Hitachi NR90GR 3-1/2'' Full Round Head Gas Nailer...

...runs for cover*

Rimshot said...

wait...do lemonade stands have hands?

Rimshot said...


Rimshot said...

sings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjC88jHa7tI

Rimshot said...

* attempts to exit stage right, stumbles over shiny bauble of some sort.

Looks down, shrugs*

Mel said...

*bounces up and down in excitement flapping wingie, turning in circles, showing off the Hitachi NR90GR 3-1/2'' Full Round Head Gas Nailer!!*


*falls to floor with little penguiny feets tangled in powercord*

*blink blink*

*uses Hitachi NR90GR 3-1/2'' Full Round Head Gas Nailer and begins to nail and scooch across stage*


*scooch wiggle wiggle*


*scooch wiggle*


*eyes lemonadestand with loose board*

*scooch scooch*
*scooch scooch scooch*

Dave said...

Oy!! Who's nailed my shoes to the floor?

Rimshot said...

* Shrieks in a most unLemonade-Standy way and runs from Hitachi NR90GR 3-1/2'' Full Round Head Gas Nailer weilding Penguin! Loose board fwapping in the wake *

I, Like The View said...

people! people! I take my eye off the stage for one minute (had to go and see Security about some young ragamuffin that they apprehended, he'd said he'd heard the call "is there a doctor in the house" and he only wanted to help, but then he slipped thru one of the rips in the space time continuum by mistake and now he doesn't want to be here - security were holding onto his box as they seem to think it's part of the props department. . .) (anyhoo, far be it from me to trouble you with the producer/director stuff) and look what you get up to

(actually, I'm needed backstage again, something to do with Dave mixing up his costume with those of the chorus girls, so carry on!)

Dave said...

I was looking for a new pair of shoes. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

mig bardsley said...

Albino crow flies backstage carrying some sort of shoe in its beak. Attempts to land with shoe outside PI Joe's dressing room door and fails, tumbling in a heap and crashing through door to reveal....

mig bardsley said...


Mel said...

*scooch scooch*

*scooch scooch scooch*

*sits up and stares at disconnected cord and the evil gold and blue parrot*


*blink blink*

*sets down the disempowered Hitachi NR90GR 3-1/2'' Full Round Head Gas Nailer and sits quietly*

*blink blink*

